Guthrie Center residents and visitors can do some gift shopping, enjoy free refreshments, and check out all that downtown has to offer during the Guthrie Center Chamber of Commerce’s “A Holiday Spectacular.”
This is a new event which coincides with a similar one held in Panora, and features over a dozen Guthrie Center businesses. Guthrie Center Chamber President Kristen Crouthamel teases some of the sweet deals and treats that will be offered, “Our retailers are having everything from wine, I know one’s doing maybe caramel-kissed apple cider. Some are doing cookies and hot chocolate bars, one store has buy one beer, get one free and free wine while you shop. Others are just having all kinds of sipping, shopping, and sales. So our flyers are all over town in Guthrie Center and some other neighboring towns as well.”
Shoppers can also enter a drawing at any of the participating businesses to win one of four $50 Chamber Bucks prizes. The Holiday Spectacular event will last from 5-8 p.m. Thursday November 7th, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday the 8th, and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday the 9th. For more information visit this story at