Charges have been reduced for the two men arrested in last month’s break-in at the Dallas County Courthouse.
According to court records, the felony charges have been changed to misdemeanors for 29-year-old Justin Wynn of Naples, Florida and 43-year-old Gary DeMercurio of Bothell, Washington. The cybersecurity employees of Colorado-based company Coalfire are now being charged with trespassing – first offense, a simple misdemeanor, in addition to possession of burglars tools, a serious misdemeanor. They were originally charged with third-degree burglary, a class D felony. Dallas County Attorney Chuck Sinnard released in a statement, the reduced charges are based on newly discovered evidence and better fit the facts of the case.
Sinnard’s motion was approved by Fifth Judicial Court Judge Terry Rickers Friday, and Wynn and DeMercurio will have a hearing on November 6th. The charges stem from an incident on September 11th, when the two men were found having broken into the courthouse in Adel at around 12:30 a.m. They were contracted by the State Court Administration to conduct security tests, but the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office had no knowledge of the agreement and arrested them. The SCA has since apologized for the incident, and has adopted a new policy for security testing that prohibits entry into courthouses outside business hours and physically breaking in.
Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.