The Panorama School Board met in regular session Monday.

The meeting began with the Board approving the second reading of Board policies on licensed and classified employee personal illness leave. Next, the Board approved a middle school student council fundraiser request, and an out-of-state trip request for the FFA National Convention. The Board then approved the School Budget Review Committee modified allowable growth in the amount of about $218,188 for the fiscal year 2019 special education deficit. They also approved the fiscal year 2019 certified treasurer’s report.

Superintendent Shawn Holloway explains the 2019-2020 superintendent priorities and goals that the Board approved, “So we always have some ongoing priorities and those kind of fall under four different areas: finance, curriculum and assessment, board communication, and district public relations. And then some more specific goal priority areas this year is to research and present salary schedule options for negotiations, research and present incentives for more rigorous class offerings along with a weighted GPA.”

Other priorities Holloway mentioned were grant opportunities to continue the summer lunch program and surveying college age students to see what is and isn’t working in the district. Finally, the Board approved this year’s legislative priorities, which were area education agencies, market competitive wages, school funding policy, supplemental state aid, and unfunded mandates.