The Perry Public Library will be hosting their monthly “Medicare Basics” seminar tomorrow, though it will be at a different time than previous programs.
Library Director Mary Murphy says previous events have been held in the early afternoon, and on this occasion they felt it might be beneficial to offer the class at night. The program will begin at 6 p.m. tomorrow in the library’s large meeting room. It will be conducted by licensed insurance agents Aaron Thacker and Ali Chambers, though Murphy emphasizes that neither will try to sell coverage to attendees approaching age 65. “This is put on by a private concern, but they’re not pushy or anything, they’re just educating us. There are many, many ways to declare when you go into Medicare, and it’s really important that you do it with all the information at hand. Because if you just go there (to the providers), they’re not going to tell you which one’s the best for you.”
The program is free to attend, though registration is required. To learn more or to sign up, stop in or call the Perry Library at 515-465-3569.