Photo courtesy of Greene County Schools
Work progresses, but the overall project is still slightly behind schedule for the new high school and career academy of the Greene County School District.
Over the next month, there will be lots of work done on the academic wing. Concrete will be poured for the second floor, structural steel will be put in place and roof trusses will be set. Other work includes window installation in the career academy building, and pouring of concrete floors for the boys and girls locker rooms near the gymnasium. Three of the four buildings have precast concrete in place, with the fourth building-the auditorium-to have precast concrete walls going up this week.
As for the high school to middle school conversion project, initial design work has started. OPN Architects’ design includes moving the main office to the front of the facility for a secure entrance. The district office will also be moved to the building and modifications are being made to the gym to allow for seating. The plan is to have middle school and sub-varsity contests there. The conversion project is anticipated to be out for bid to contractors by January or February.