The Adel-DeSoto-Minburn School Board will convene Monday night in regular session.
Following approval of the consent agenda, the Focus on Learning section for the month will cover digital citizenship, professional learning communities, and an update on state assessments. The action items will begin with approval of a financial services agreement with the Piper-Jaffray Law Firm regarding the $15.75 million bond issue for the new elementary building project in Adel. The Board will also consider dissemination and bid agent agreements with Piper-Jaffray, as well as a bond disclosure counsel engagement agreement with the Ahlers and Cooney Law Firm.
Also related to the elementary project, the Board will approve the bid letting for the issuance of the bond funds, and a design and development report from FRK Architects and Engineers. Other items on the agenda include: a business manager search proposal from Grundmeyer Leader Services; a review of Superintendent Greg Dufoe’s professional development plan; and consideration of a contract for waste disposal services. The meeting will conclude with discussion on upcoming Board meetings and the Iowa Association of School Boards Conference, as well as an update on the unofficial enrollment figures.
The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Monday in the Board Room at the ADM District Administration Center in Adel.