Today a new event is taking place in Jefferson.
The Tower View Team Committee of Jefferson Matters: Main Street, is hosting the first-ever Art on the Square event. It will be from 10am-4pm, with a location change to inside the former hardware building on the square. Co-organizer Ginny Showman says they wanted to celebrate the public art that is already in Jefferson by inviting other artists to showcase their items. Showman describes the atmosphere that the event will bring.
“We have got 20 artists committed to come and show their wares and hopefully sell something. There will be wine and cider tasting, cider from Deal’s Orchard, and a food truck on the square, we’re going to have some music going, there will be children’s crafts, and just some other fun things to do.”
In addition, there will be a Spooktacular Pop-Up Shop today as well at the Jefferson Veterans of Foreign Wars (VWF) Hall from 10-2pm. There will be 11 vendors participating for even more holiday and seasonal shopping.