
The auction items were sweet, but the bidders proved to be even sweeter at the Stuart Library Foundation’s annual fundraiser auction Thursday night.

Local residents and businesses donated the items for bid, many of which were homemade pies, jams, and other baked goods. Chad Daugherty of Daugherty Auction and Real Estate Services was the auctioneer as attendees bid on the goods, with all the proceeds going to support the library. Library Director Lisa Sherman expressed her gratitude to those who came, “Thank you guys for being faithful supporters of the Stuart Library Foundation thank you especially for supporting the library, it truly is a great thing you’re doing, that you’ve done and I love you all.”

The total fundraising number has not been finalized yet, but Foundation member Debbie Wilson considered the event a success. The auction is one of the Foundation’s two annual fundraisers that help to enhance the library’s facilities, resources, and services.