The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday.
The meeting began with the Board approving the quarterly Veterans Affairs Commission report, and tabling acting on creating an employee health insurance flex spending account. Next, the Board discussed but took no action on the Iowa Municipal Works Compensation Association insurance audit and 2020 property and liability insurance quotes, and approved plans for a bridge replacement project on Chestnut Road in Orange Township. County Engineer Josh Sebern said the project is estimated to cost $1.2 million, with bid letting expected for January.
Finally, the Board approved the phase three agreement to include Shive-Hattery Architecture and Engineering in the marketing process for the law enforcement center addition bond referendum vote in March 2020. The lump sum fee for the agreement is $6,000 with a possible $500 in reimbursable expenses. Following that, the Board discussed holding off on Information Technology projects budgeted for this fiscal year from Guthrie Center Communications, and possibly hiring their own in-house IT employee before the end of the fiscal year.