
The Perry City Council convened Monday evening in regular session.

The meeting began with the swearing in of three new police officers, bringing the total force up to 13. In old business, the Council approved a resolution for the purchase of a used plow truck for the Perry Municipal Airport from the City of Clive for $54,000. Previously, the Council had set the limit to $25,000, but rescinded that prior action to accommodate the purchase price for the vehicle they found. In new business, they set Wednesday, October 30th as the date for the annual Safety and Employee Appreciation Day, as well as November 1-24 for the fall yard waste burning time frame.

Next, the Council approved an engagement agreement with the Ahlers and Cooney Law Firm, regarding eminent domain authority on the acquisition of property for the airport runway extension. Other items approved included: a resolution approving the economic development contract with TC&B Corporate Wearables; setting public hearings for October 21st for a voluntary annexation and notice to dispose of public property; and the final site plan for Green Stream Homes Apartments. To learn more about the Perry City Council meeting, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at