
The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.

During open forum, County Environmental Administrator Chuck Wenthold gave an update. He said the Iowa Hygienic Lab received a grant from the Centers for Disease Control to implement a new bio-monitoring system for water quality. The tests will be done through well testing and the program will look at not only what is in the wells, but urine tests to see the effects on humans. It is a five-year program and the Hygienic Lab asked Greene County to be one of ten counties. The Board gave Wenthold permission to participate. 

Also in open forum, County Attorney Thomas Laehn introduced Assistant County Attorney Laura Snider. Laehn appreciated Snider’s work on juvenile court cases. Additionally, Laehn told the Supervisors he would give recommendations, with cost estimates, in a couple of weeks for security enhancements to the Greene County Courthouse. 

The Board then approved several county reports. They approved the County Recorder’s report of fees for September of $16,004, as well as the County Auditor’s quarterly passport report for July-September of 72 passports. The Board also approved the County Treasurer’s investment report for September of $12,415,532 and issuaning 304 driver’s licenses last month. 

Next, the Board approved to terminate the 28E agreement with the City of Jefferson to provide dispatch services. The County wants to renegotiate the fees for dispatching services. Currently the annual fee is $25,000. As per the agreement, notice must be given by either party to terminate the current agreement before the end of the calendar year, otherwise it will automatically renew for the next fiscal year. 

The Board then approved several annual budget transfers to the secondary roads department. They consist of $52,045 from the County’s general fund, $586,148 from the rural fund and $162,500 from Local Option Sales and Services Tax (LOSST) fund. Additionally, the Board approved a temporary repayment of $200,000 from the general supplemental fund to the general basic fund. 

Finally, the Board approved the lower bid from Midwest Mechanical and Industrial of Logan to replace an existing drainage tile in drainage district 14. Their final bid of $308,505 was lower than last week’s original bid. The engineer’s estimate from Bolton and Menk was $370,000. The contractor will start the project once harvest season is done.