Tumbling classes are beginning soon with the Jefferson Parks and Recreation Department.
Beginning, intermediate and advanced classes will take place on Saturdays from October 12th-November 2nd at the Greene County Community Center. The beginning tumbling class will be from 10-10:30am and the goal of the class is to increase flexibility and coordination skills. It is for pre-kindergarteners-6-year-olds and the cost is $25.
The intermediate class will be from 10:30-11:15am and the advanced class is from 11:15am-noon. Both programs will teach participants basic floor skills based on the individual, and includes beam, basic springboard and single bar. The intermediate class starts with first graders and participants must have taken the beginning course. Advanced participants must be able to do an unassisted front and back walkover. Cost for either class is $35.
To register, call 386-3412 or stop by the rec center in Jefferson.