It’s Homecoming Week for Greene County High School.
The Homecoming Court has been announced. The king candidates include: Brent Riley, Will Hansen, Tyler Miller, Cole Betts and Colby Kafer. The queen candidates are: Sophia Ausberger, Izzy Bravard, Nicole Rasmussen, Kassie Lamoureux and Sophia Havens. Havens talks about her initial reaction when she found out she was voted to be on the Homecoming Court.
“I was actually with my cheer coach and I was very shocked, but I was so excited that my classmates voted for me.”
This year’s theme is “Fight Together, Win Together” and Student Council President Sophia Ausberger talks about why they chose that theme.
“This whole year, so far, we’ve been going with the hashtag #together for all of our sports teams and all of our school activities. So we figured it just fit, and since it was a new kind of hashtag we wanted to incorporate that more thoroughly throughout the school.”
Activities happening throughout the week include a power puff football game tonight at 4pm at Linduska Field in Jefferson, with an admission fee of a non-perishable food item for the Action Resource Center (ARC). On Monday is a 2K Glow Run starting at 8pm at the high school, with glow sticks $1 each. The parade will be on Friday at 2pm, from the high school to the Greene County Courthouse, followed by the coronation ceremony of king and queen.