Presenter: ISU Extension Field Agronomist Angie Rieck-Hinz
The Jefferson Rotary Club learned about growing hemp at their most recent meeting.
Since the Iowa Legislature legalized the specialized crop, Iowa State University Extension Field Agronomist Angie Rieck-Hinz gave a presentation on it. She said there are several restrictions, and some that have yet to be developed, for growing hemp. There are a variety of ways that farmers can grow hemp, which includes: CBD, fiber, grain, seed and for dual purposes.
Since hemp isn’t listed for herbicides, none can be used on it as a rotation restriction. Rieck-Hinz recommended selecting a crop field with high production value and that there should only be female hemp plants, which produce the CBD properties. Hemp is susceptible to some pests, like the common stalk borer and European corn borer. Rieck-Hinz pointed out hemp doesn’t have a long shelf life, due to the oil content.
Several additional items need to be figured out at the national level with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, before farmers can start growing hemp in Iowa.