
As the last few years has seen more national media coverage of sexual abuse investigations, which has resulted more victims are compelled to speak out.

Assault Care Center Extending Shelter and Support (ACCESS) Sexual Abuse Program Director Marci Webb says consent is a human right for everyone. She points out having experiences with your children at a young age to encourage positive consent can help give kids the confidence to say “no” in different situations.

“When you ask a small child can I give you a snuggle and if they say, ‘no’ instead of having that be a negative thing, being just really proud of them for using their voice and speaking up. And then that becomes ingrained in them as their own human right and it’s something that’s empowering to them.”

Webb explains, those who haven’t been sexually assaulted are likely to know someone who has been in their lifetime.

“All of us can work on is just the way that we plan to respond when someone we know discloses to us. And expecting that at some point in your life (someone discloses a sexual abuse incident) it will happen. What you have control over is your initial response and the way that you articulate that you hear them and you believe their narrative.”

Webb also encourages the saying, “If you see something, say something.” ACCESS provides services and advocates for sexual abuse victims. The sexual abuse crisis hotline is 515-292-5378 or for general information, call 515-292-0500.