The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday.
The meeting began with an information technology update from David Garland of Guthrie Center Communications, and the Board approving an abatement of $339 in delinquent property taxes for the property formerly known as Hunter Grocery Store in Bagley. Next, the Board directed to advertise for a vacant board seat on the Guthrie County Regional Airport Authority, and requested that County Auditor Marci McClellan find the 330A agreement they approved but did not sign. McClellan has been absent from the last five Supervisor meetings.
Finally, the Board approved the marketing/communication professional services agreement and updated timeline from The Samuels Group, Inc. for the law enforcement center addition and courthouse parking lot bond referendum vote, which is supposed to occur on March 3rd. The Board also agreed to have Supervisor JD Kuster be their point of contact for the project manager’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing Jennifer Guerndt and Marketing Manager Shelley Rowe, who both attended the meeting.