
Image courtesy of American Children's Cancer Foundation

A special fundraiser is happening tomorrow to help children undergoing cancer treatment at Blank Children’s Hospital in Des Moines.

The “Go Gold Be Bold” Play-Doh Drive will be taking place during the home varsity football for the Greene County Rams. Fans are encouraged to bring Play-Doh with them to the game and the football players will deliver them to Blank Children’s Hospital for kids to play with while they receive cancer treatments. Jefferson resident Tabatha Shahan’s five-year-old daughter Avril has been receiving cancer treatments for a form a Leukemia since she was three. Tabatha talks about how popular Play-Doh is in the children’s cancer unit.

“The child life specialist (of Blank) goes, ‘Oh thank goodness because we’re about out of Play-Doh.’ About this time of year they are completely out of Play-Doh because there’s just so many kids. I mean she (Avril) has spent a total of 35 days in the hospital and that’s a lot of Play-Doh.”

Fans are also encouraged to wear gold in recognition of September being Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.