The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.
During open forum, the Board was asked for their reaction to the recent break-in at the courthouse, which was allegedly executed as a test by a private security company contracted by the State Courts Administration. While Board Chair Mark Hanson made no official statement regarding the incident, he did mention that the SCA called him personally to apologize. He also complimented the Sheriff’s Office and the Adel Police Department for their swift response to the alleged burglary attempt.
The meeting itself began with the presentation of certificates of appreciation. Twelve County employees were honored for their years of service, which ranged from 5-20 years. Following that, the Board approved the final pay application from AECOM for the Auditor’s Office parking lot project, which was for $8,667.45 for release of retainage. The total project cost was $173,349.02, and the County was happy with the results of the project. Following that, the Supervisors discussed insurance concerns raised by a trustee of Boone Township, but they took no official action.
Next the Board discussed the nutrition program providers with representatives from Aging Resources. They approved initial engagement with Perry Lutheran Homes and Wesley Life to serve in-home meals to elderly in the north, central and eastern cities of the County. There is currently an agreement with Madison County Elderly Services for the southern and western cities. Finally, the Supervisors approved a wetland credit allocation of .59 acres to the City of West Des Moines, as well as a resolution proclaiming September 24th as National Voter Registration Day. The meeting concluded with a workshop on facilities and space use.