Last week the voters of the Greene County School District passed a special measure for a revenue purpose statement, to utilize funds from a state program.
The revenue purpose statement is for the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) fund that allows the Greene County School Board to spend SAVE funds for infrastructure projects.
The initial $35.48 million budget called for borrowing $4.5 million of SAVE funds, with $1.5 million to be used to convert the current high school into a middle school. School Board member Sam Harding describes how else they plan on using additional SAVE funds.
“I’m so thankful that the residents passed the revenue purpose statement. The heating and cooling system in that building is original to the 1960s. It needs replaced and it needs some updating. The extra renovations that were really needed to make it a 30 or 40 year building, we’re going to borrow against that future SAVE, and do that project up with probably another $3.5 million on top of the $1.5 (million).”
The School Board has not yet approved final plans for the middle school project.