
The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.

During open forum, County Attorney Thomas Laehn said he was pleased with the work that new Assistant County Attorney Laura Snider is doing, especially handling juvenile court cases.

County Engineer Wade Weiss then discussed wanting to get a new maintainer for the Secondary Roads Department in Churdan. Weiss said the current maintainer is four-years-old, and they try to replace those machines every two years. The Board didn’t take formal action following the discussion.

The Board then approved the County Recorder’s report of fees for August of $20,198, along with the County Treasurer’s investment report for July and August of $4.6 million and $6.7 million respectively. They also approved the County Treasurer’s driver’s license report for July and August of 326 and 350 issued, respectively. Additionally, the Board approved hiring Rod Freeman as a part-time driver for the ambulance department and a wine permit was approved for the Paton Pit Stop.

Next, the Board set September 30th at 9am for a public hearing to authorize a loan agreement and issuing general obligation bonds not to exceed $5.5 million for the construction of the career academy for the Greene County School District. The project will require using tax increment financing (TIF) funds from the wind turbines. A petition calling for a special election can be filed before the public hearing. Up to $5 million would be used on the career academy, with the other amount being used for fees associated with the County in issuing the bonds. 

Finally, the Board tabled a resolution for an engineer’s contract for sealing and water damage protection repairs to the bell tower and they canvassed the votes from last Tuesday’s special election for the Greene County School District. There was no change for the unofficial results, and the canvass made it official. The final vote was 242 in favor and 70 against for a revenue purpose statement for the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) funds.