
A new program initiated by the Guthrie County Attorney’s Office is poised to benefit both victims and convicted criminals, as well as county taxpayers.

As one of her top initiatives after being elected County Attorney last November, Brenna Bird has started a monthly payment plan for convicts who owe restitution, court costs, and other fees to the County. Bird worked with the state judicial branch to get a memorandum of understanding in order to start the program. Instead of being footed with a large bill that could be impossible to pay in full or would otherwise be sent to a collection agency, those eligible can pay in monthly installments, which Bird says goes first to victim restitution, then jail fees and other fines.

Bird explains how before the payment plan was started in July, the failure to pay off a debt could lead to more legal trouble for some convicts, “Before, many of them would drive without drivers licenses which is illegal, and sometimes they would get new criminal charges which still is a violation of the law. People have to have a driver’s license and insurance to drive, but we also want to make sure that the people that are trying to do the right thing can get their driver’s license back and drive legally. This allows them if they want to commit to it, to work hard and pay back their fines.”

Those wanting to learn more about the County Attorney’s payment plan can contact their office at 641-747-3765.