The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.
During open forum, the topic of Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) for cats was discussed with Linn Price of Animal Protection and Education (APE) Charity and representatives from People for Animal Welfare Society (PAWS). Following the discussion, Mayor Craig Berry designated a committee with PAWS representatives, Price, as well as Police Chief Mark Clouse, City Administrator Mike Palmer and Council members Matt Gordon and Darren Jackson to come up with a budget and exactly what they want to have as part of a program.
The Council then approved setting a rate of $70 for property owners to purchase an additional 65- or 95-gallon garbage container for the automated trash collection system. Each property was given one garbage container at no charge. Several residents have asked to purchase an additional container and the ordinance allows the Council to set the rate. Additionally, the Council appointed Council member Harry Ahrenholtz to the law enforcement center entity board.
Finally, due to a technical miswording of an agenda item, the Council decided to drop the topic of purchasing vehicles for the police department administration. Clouse originally requested $43,000 to purchase a new Ford F-150 truck and a new Dodge Charger to replace the two current vehicles. Clouse mentioned part of that expense would be paid back to the City through the police department’s forfeiture fund.
However, Clouse bought the truck because he said he had some leftover funds in his budget, as well as possibly using the trade-in value of the current truck and some forfeiture funds. Due to the agenda stating that the Council was to consider approving a budget amendment for the purchase, they couldn’t do that because a public hearing needed to take place prior to the Council’s approval. The item will be reexamined prior to the next Council meeting.