Today we remember the events that took place on September 11, 2001, when the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City were hit by two airplanes hijacked by terrorists.
Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams says he was enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps when the tragic event happened 18 years ago. Williams also serves as the Jefferson Fire Chief and he talks about how the events of 9/11 impacted how different departments operate.
“I think September 11th (2001) helped everybody build more camaraderie between departments, everybody works together more. I think all of the departments (including first responders and law enforcement) in Greene County work extremely well together for structure fires and accident scenes. I think September 11th also just showed the distance that first responders are willing to go to do their job, or to help protect and preserve the life and property of the citizens that they serve.”
Williams adds that 9/11 also serves as a reminder for first responders of the drive they have to keep putting their lives on the line to protect other citizens from disastrous situations.