The Adel City Council convened Tuesday evening in regular session.
The meeting began with a public hearing regarding a proposed development agreement with Cramer and Associates, Incorporated. No one spoke against it, so later in the meeting the Council approved a resolution regarding the development agreement, as well as the execution of an infrastructure reimbursement agreement between the City and Cramer for a new lift station. In old business, the Council approved the final reading of an ordinance increasing the compensation level for the Mayor and City Council members, officially adopting it into City code.
In new business, they gave authorization to Dave and Angela Schrad, owners of Restoration Harmony, to proceed with a survey and appraisal of property beneath their building, which is located at Kinnick Feller Park. The Council will hold a community meeting prior to approving the survey and appraisal to gauge the public’s thoughts on the matter, as it would involve selling a portion of the park land. They then approved parking restrictions on South 11th Street, establishing a no parking zone on either side of Greenwood Hills Drive at the recommendation of Adel Police Chief Gordy Shepherd and Public Works Director Kip Overton. Finally, the Council approved the final plat of Southbridge Plat 3, and set October 8th as the date for a public hearing on the authorization of a general obligation loan agreement and issuance of $4.2 million for essential corporate purchases.