
The Stuart City Council met in regular session Monday.

The meeting began with discussion on survey results Region XII Council of Governments received from a couple Stuart organizations for the City’s comprehensive plan. Region XII representatives plan on targeting additional groups for more input. The regular meeting began with the Council approving their City Attorney, Stuart Economic Development Director and residents Susan and Brett Hunter to negotiate with Cardinal Homes to sell their property at 408 South Gaines Street to the Hunters and reimbursing the City for their contract expenses. The Council also approved setting a public hearing date for October 14th for the intent to sell the property at 512 South Summit Street, and requested the Planning and Zoning Board look at Neil Bryan’s property at North Gaines Street.

Next, the Council approved the purchase of a used dump truck for the Street Department and to sell a truck through sealed bid at the next meeting. They also approved the low bid of $8,022 from Walker Spray Foam Insulation for insulation of the east wall of the city shop.They also approved the first reading of a snow removal ordinance that prohibits street parking from November 1st until April 1st. The Council also approved this year’s urban renewal report and to remain with EMC Insurance for workers compensation after an audit was conducted and the Council received a proposal from Iowa Municipal Workers’ Compensation Association.

Finally, the Council approved a pay estimate of about $26,883 to ABC Electrical Services for replaced street lights in the Wambold Phase Two Addition, approved setting October 9th for a bid opening and October 14th for a public hearing and award of contract for the All Saints Addition, and directed City Engineer Forrest Aldrich to do a cost estimate on extending South Fremont Street from 6th to 7th street.