Greene County School District voters are reminded to head to the polls today to decide on a special measure.
The District is proposing a revenue purpose statement to utilize additional funds from the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE). The revenue purpose statement describes how the District plans to use SAVE funds on different projects. The measure must be voted on, due to a new law that extended the sunset date for SAVE through 2050. The immediate intent is to use future SAVE proceeds to do additional renovation work to the current high school to convert it into a middle school.
Voters in the Jefferson precinct must go to the south rotunda at the Greene County Courthouse. Those in the Scranton precinct will vote at the Scranton City Hall/Community Room. Eligible voters in Grand Junction, which also includes Dana and Rippey city residents, can cast their ballots at St. Brigid’s Parish Center.
The polls are open from noon to 8pm. Raccoon Valley Radio will have the unofficial results later tonight.