The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
The Board held a discussion on tax increment financing (TIF) for procedures and bond issuance. A representative from law firm Ahlers and Cooney said when a county finances an urban renewal project, instead of an election for the issuance of a bond, a public hearing is held and is subject to a reverse referendum. The Board discussed having the public hearing to utilize up to $5 million of TIF funds. The Board is looking to have the public hearing at 9am on September 30th.
The Board also approved Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams and Greene County Ambulance Director Michele Madsen as county medical examiner inspectors. This role allows Williams and Madsen to gather information of a death and submit it to the county medical examiner for final approval.
The Board heard an update from Jefferson City Administrator Mike Palmer. He talked about last week’s start of the new automated trash collection system. He added that in the future, there could be three garbage routes instead of four. Palmer mentioned three walkway projects for the East Entryway of Lincoln Way, Greenewood Center and Central Avenue to the new high school and career academy will be out for bids in early January.
Finally, the Board continued a discussion regarding the possible new county social host ordinance. Board Chair John Muir started the conversation by saying he didn’t want to deter gatherings like graduations, picnics or businesses by having this ordinance in place. Williams said law enforcement will not sit outside someone’s home or the place where a gathering is taking place. They will respond to complaint calls or if they catch minors coming from a gathering where alcohol was served. He added they also have to prove that the host took reasonable steps to prevent underage drinking at the gathering. The ordinance would also close the state code gap for 18-20 year-olds. County Attorney Thomas Laehn mentioned the ordinance is modeled after the state ordinance and it also encompasses prescription drugs and controlled substances. No action was taken by the Board following the discussion.