Matthew Jones
Shannon Keeney
Further details have been released regarding two Des Moines residents that were recently arrested after claiming they were “stargazing” at a property in Adair County.
The Adair County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by several law enforcement agencies in locating 47-year-old Matthew Em Jones and 36-year-old Shannon Kay Keeney at Kuster Salvage & Recycling in Greenfield at about 10 p.m. on August 24th. Court records show that Jones gave Keeney a vehicle registration receipt that was removed from within a vehicle on the property. The vehicle’s owner stated that the receipt was located in the vehicle, and the contents of the vehicle glove box were removed and scattered on the seat. Jones also had a backpack that contained several burglary tools, a syringe, and a substance that tested positive as methamphetamine. Jones admitted to using the syringe to inject methamphetamine, and has two prior drug convictions.
Jones told law enforcement that he had a railroad light in the trunk of his vehicle, and the next day a search warrant was executed. The victim of the theft, which occurred at a residence in the 1600 block of Highway 25, identified the railroad light and several other items as belonging to her. The items’ total value was estimated at $3,000. Jones and Keeney were both charged with second degree theft and third degree burglary, both class D felonies, and third degree burglary of a vehicle, an aggravated misdemeanor. Jones is also charged with possession of a controlled substance, third or subsequent offense, a class D felony, and possession of burglar’s tools, an aggravated misdemeanor. Jones and Keeney are both being held in the Adair County Jail on $19,000 and $12,000 bonds, respectively. Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.