Photo courtesy of Brittany Gunn
A Jefferson resident will be competing for the Miss Rodeo Iowa title this weekend.
Brittany Gunn is a Greene County High School graduate and has a bachelor’s degree from Graceland University as an art therapist. She works as a social worker in the Long-Term Care Unit at Greene County Medical Center.
Gunn has a few pageant crowns from previous competitions. She is a former Greene County Fair Queen, along with Jasper and Marion County Pony Express Senior Queen and is currently the Pony Express Double D Rodeo Queen. She competed last year for the Miss Rodeo Iowa but didn’t get the crown. Gunn talks about giving it another go this year and explains what she is running on this year.
“My platform for the year is ‘Healthy minds, happy hearts and helping hands.’ I think that being aware of your mental health and your personal health is very important. And in order to be a healthy person we kind of need to focus on all those three areas. So having a healthy mind, a happy heart, so we can give to others, and a helping hand, so we can help wherever we can.”
The contest will take place September 7th-8th in Fort Madison. The pageant includes horsemanship, interviews, fashion show and several speeches.