This past weekend’s Guthrie County Fair ushered in a new era for two local organizations that annually take part.
This was the first fair for the new adjoined Guthrie Center Lions Club food stand and American Legion Post 124 bingo stand. Lions Club member and food stand manager Dwayne Seeck says the new location is more in the center of foot traffic on the fairgrounds, with a larger kitchen space and updated equipment, “(The) new food stand’s been great, more people, more seating, we had more attendance this year, I talked to the Fair Board. Overall, we’ve been busy all day long so it’s been good this year.”
The Lions Club was assisted by members of the Adair-Casey/Guthrie Center Leo Club, and the proceeds will go back into the community through their several causes. Both the food and bingo stand were funded and constructed by the Fair Board. Legion member Ron Baier complimented them on their accomplishments, “I think our Fair Board is young and they’re on the move to make things more modern. They’re doing a good job.”
The Legion’s bingo proceeds go towards sending three students annually to Boys State, and towards operating costs of the Legion.