Guthrie County Sheriff’s Office
Weekly Report
Public Service Announcements
10:34 am Stuart Police responded to a suspicious person on S Division St
11:34 am Guthrie Co Deputy towed a vehicle for registration violation in Guthrie Center
5:11 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of suspicious activity in Guthrie Center
6:40 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported 1 prisoner to Salvation Army
6:52 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a suspicious vehicle on Hwy 44
9:18 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of suspicious activity in Guthrie Center
11:27 pm Stuart Police assisted Adair Co with a burglary south of Stuart
7:40 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call at Lake Panorama
9:08 am Stuart Police responded to a parking complaint on N Main St
1:59 pm Stuart Police responded to a report of a dog bite on N Main St
2:27 pm Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call in Stuart
4:05 pm Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call in Stuart
4:17 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported 1 male to Guthrie Co Jail
4:50 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of criminal mischief in Casey
6:35 pm Stuart Police took a complaint on N Gaines St
7:15 pm Guthrie Co Deputy preformed a warrant check in Guthrie Center
7:31 pm Guthrie Co Deputy preformed a warrant check
8:08 pm Stuart Police responded to a report of violation of a no contact order
8:27 pm Guthrie Co Deputies assisted Stuart Police with a violation of no contact order
9:15 pm Stuart Police transported 1 female to Guthrie Co Jail
9:19 pm Panora Police, Fire & Ambulance and Guthrie Co Deputy responded to an accident on Panorama Dr
10:40 pm Guthrie Co Deputy & YJB first responders responded to a single vehicle accident
11:15 pm Stuart Police responded to an accident on I-80 ramp
11:22 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of criminal mischief in Casey
11:26 pm Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call in Stuart
12:29 am Guthrie Co Deputy transported 1 female to Guthrie Co Jail
12:32 am Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call in Stuart
7:33 am Panora Police and Chief Deputy responded to a two-vehicle accident on Hwy 4 north of Panora. No injuries
8:15 am Guthrie Co Deputies responded to a report of a missing juvenile in Guthrie Center. He was located
10:42 am Stuart Police responded to a report of a suspicious person at McDonalds
10:45 am Stuart Police preformed a case follow up on SW 7th St
11:47 am Stuart Police preformed a case follow up on SW 7th St
1:28 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Jamaica
2:55 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported two female prisoners to the Audubon Co Jail and brought back two male prisoners
3:21 pm Pedestrian assist by Guthrie Co Deputy in Guthrie Center
4:54 pm Stuart Police preformed a welfare check on S Gaines St
6:00 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of trespass on Hwy 4
7:39 pm Guthrie Co Deputy preformed a case follow up in Bayard
8:14 pm Stuart Police & Fire responded to a report of 2 missing juveniles in Stuart
8:48 pm Guthrie Co Deputy & Panora Police responded to a traffic complaint on Hwy 44
9:53 pm Stuart Police preformed a case follow up on SW 7th St
12:20 am Stuart Police preformed a case follow up on S Harrison St
3:38 am Stuart Police responded to a suspicious person on NW 2nd St
6:50 am Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call on 335th St
9:15 am Stuart Police responded to a report of harassment on S Gaines St
10:10 am Guthrie Co Deputy transported an inmate from Crawford Co Jail to Boone Co Jail
12:49 pm Stuart Police responded to a family situation on N Fremont St
1:13 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of animal neglect
2:38 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported 1 male to Guthrie Co Jail
2:38 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported 1 female to Guthrie Co Jail
2:49 pm Stuart Police preformed a warrant check in Stuart
4:03 pm Guthrie Co Deputy took a report of vandalism on Wagon Road
4:14 pm Stuart Police responded to an abandoned car on S 5th St
4:20 pm Guthrie Co Deputy released a vehicle from impound
6:06 pm Stuart Ambulance and Casey Fire responded to a medical call in Casey
6:25 pm Stuart Police preformed a case follow up on SW 7th St
6:27 pm Stuart Police responded to a report of suspicious activity on Max Dr
8:02 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported 1 female to Carroll Co Jail
9:30 am Guthrie Co Deputy transported 1 female back from Carroll Co Jail for court
9:45 am Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call from a driver on I80
10:18 am Guthrie Co Deputy investigated a suspicious vehicle in GC and conducted a TS, arrested one individual
11:52 am Menlo Fire secured a landing zone for Mercy One to pick up a patient from
Adair Co Ambulance @ exit 86
2:05 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported 2 inmates to the dentist in Panora
2:15 pm Guthrie Co Deputy escorted an inmate to court for initial appearance
2:24 pm Panora Ambulance Unit 1 responded to Guthrie Co Hospital for a transport to Methodist ER in Des Moines
2:30 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported 2 female inmates to Boone Co
2:36 pm Panora Ambulance Unit 2 responded to The New Homestead in GC for a transport to Guthrie Co Hospital
2:44 pm Panora Ambulance Unit 3 responded to a medical call in rural GC and transported patient to Guthrie Co Hospital
3:25 pm Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call at the Economy Inn, Stuart and transported 1 patient to Des Moines
4:32 pm Panora Police responded to a report of a female resident that had walked away from Panora Specialty Care
7:00 pm Panora Ambulance provided EMS for the football game in Panora and at the rodeo at the Guthrie Co Fair
7:27 pm Stuart Police responded to a report of a disturbance on N Division St
7:41 pm Panora Police responded to a noise complaint
8:56 pm Stuart Police responded to a report of a suicidal female
10:10 pm Stuart Police assisted a stranded motorist on I80 WB exit ramp
11:25 pm Guthrie Co Deputy assist State Patrol w/traffic stop on Hwy 141 west of Bagley
1:50 am Panora Police conducted a traffic stop at the east edge of Panora and made an OWI arrest
2:05 am Guthrie Co Deputy assisted Adair Co Deputy at the WB rest area on I80 ref a report of an assault and possible fight
2:22 am Panora0 Ambulance responded to a medical call in Panora
7:18 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in rural GC
7:50 am Panora Police responded to a report of an unwanted person @ a residence
9:15 am Guthrie Co Deputy released an inmate that was bonded out
10:00 am Guthrie Co Deputies and Reserve Deputy did traffic control for the Guthrie County Fair Parade
11:21 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of a break in w/property damage @ Lake Panorama
11:46 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of fraud in Yale
12:01 pm Guthrie Co Deputy checked on a suspicious person on Hwy 141
12:55 pm Guthrie Co Deputy took a theft report on Wagon Rd
1:00 pm Stuart Police, Guthrie Co Deputy and Adair Co Deputy responded to a report of an assault of a kidnapping victim
1:44 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a hit and run in Bayard
2:24 pm Guthrie Co Deputy, Stuart Ambulance & Casey Fire responded to a medical call in Casey
6:43 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Panora
7:45 pm Stuart Police responded to an animal complaint on N Harrison St
9:18 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a single vehicle accident on 280th St
9:49 pm Panora Police preformed a welfare check on W Market St
9:59 pm Panora Police checked on a pedestrian walking on Hwy 4 north of Panora and gave the individual a ride to GC
11:38 pm Stuart Police responded to a dispute on Cody Drive
1:07 am Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call on Wagon Rd
1:34 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a noise complaint at Lake Diamondhead
7:07 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Guthrie Center
8:05 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical all in Guthrie Center
10:50 am Panora Ambulance transported a patient from Guthrie Co Hospital back to The New Homestead
11:58 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a domestic situation on 240th St
1:12 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported 1 male to Guthrie Co Jail
1:34 pm Guthrie Co Deputy took a theft report in Guthrie Center
1:35 pm Casey Fire assisted with a search for a suicidal female
2:08 pm Stuart Police preformed a welfare check on SW 7th St
2:15 pm Guthrie Co Deputy preformed a welfare check in Casey
3:54 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Stuart
5:14 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported an inmate to Guthrie Co Hospital
6:03 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Panora
6:30 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a disabled vehicle on White Pole Road
6:38 pm Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call in Stuart
9:34 pm Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call on 200th St
10:37 pm Stuart Police responded to a parking complaint in Stuart
11:23 pm Guthrie Co Deputy took a theft report