
As the summer winds down, tourism continues to thrive in Greene County.

Greene County Chamber and Tourism Office Coordinator Beth Vander Wilt says there were several tour groups that visited the county last month. The tour groups came from Ottuwma, Ames and Boone. Vander Wilt talks about a surprise she received from the group from Ames that was biking.

“The leader of the Ames biking group happened to be a tour coordinator. After she came back from her time in Jefferson she said that, ‘One day in Jefferson just wasn’t enough time.’ And that she is going to be bringing her bus tour company back to Jefferson and wants to line up a regular tour.”

Vander Wilt adds, tomorrow and Friday will be a bus tour of 50 from Braddyville, Iowa. The two-day trip includes stops at A&W and Diary Queen, a tour at American Athletic Incorporated, the Sierra Community Theater, United Methodist Church with a show from Angie Gingery and her sister, along with the Mahanay Memorial Bell Tower, Greene County Courthouse and Deal’s Orchard. Vander Wilt is happy to help coordinate different tours and says the feedback she receives has been overwhelmingly positive from visitors.