
The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.

The meeting began with approval of payroll change notices, though the Board decided to table decisions on an unbudgeted position in the Treasurer’s Department and another in Veteran’s Affairs until they hold a workshop on the proposals. They then held discussion on the transition from Homecare Services to Aging Resources, specifically for providing meals and homemaker services to elders throughout the County. The Board took no official action but gave consensus on allowing Aging Resources to confer with Human Resources Director Beth Deardorf on their staffing and funding needs.

The Supervisors then held three public hearings, the first of which was regarding a postage meter lease agreement. No one spoke during the hearing, so the Board approved a contract with Pitney Bowes in the amount of $265.45 per month for the next 60 months. The next hearing was to consider bids for the furniture at the new law enforcement center. The low bid was $201,429.73 from Storey Kenworthy of Des Moines, which was accepted. Also related to the law enforcement center, the Board got an update on the Adel east sewer extension project and Ortonville lagoon demolition from Gary Brons with McClure Engineering.

The final hearing was for proposed amendments to Chapter 45 of the County’s zoning ordinance, specifically to change the wording of one section from “main building” to “residential dwelling,” as well as rules for wind turbine set back. The Supervisors approved the first reading and left the hearing open for the second reading to be held September 3rd. The Board then held discussion but took no action on concerns with maintenance of the courthouse, as well as the declaration policy for disasters through the Emergency Management Agency. Finally, the Board approved a contract in the amount of $94,495 with Joe Cover Construction for the renovation of the bus barn at the Human Services Campus into a classroom for Des Moines Area Community College, as well as the reappointments of Alice Wicker and Chris Costa to the Housing Trust Fund.