The 2019-20 school year at Perry Elementary is officially off and running, and the administration is excited for what the year has in store.

Assistant Principal Ryan Marzen says there are a few new programs being implemented at the school this year, starting with “Capturing Kids Hearts.” The relationship-building curriculum was established at the middle and high schools last year, and with a positive response the District felt it would be beneficial to also bring it to the elementary. Marzen points out that much of the program was already in practice at the school, but he believes enhancing those procedures with “Capturing Kids Hearts” will be beneficial to everyone.

Another new aspect at Perry Elementary this year is an increased focus on technology. In the spring, Perry was one of 12 schools around the state awarded a $50,000 grant in the Governor’s “Science is Elementary” program. Marzen explains how the funds are already being used throughout the building. “This year what we’re going to be doing is piloting some computer science programs, with the thought of having computer science in every elementary classroom. And so this past summer we started looking at different programs that we could implement into our elementary. It’s been a really good experience, and we’re learning a lot about computer science. I know that the kids are very excited about that, as well as the teachers on board!”

Marzen adds, in about five to ten years the computer science curriculum will likely be the norm, and he says it’s exciting to be a part of the pilot program to get it off the ground. To learn more about the new year at Perry Elementary, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at