The Guthrie Center City Council met in regular session Monday.
The meeting began with discussion of a developer agreement with Bill Littler of Precision Components, a reconditioned aerial lift company that is expanding its Atlantic-based business with a facility in the former Bob and Jo’s RV Center building. Littler requested financial assistance from the City to have Alliant Energy move light pole power lines on Highway 44 underground as a safety precaution for his employees. The estimated cost of the work is $15,000 and the Council directed City Administrator Laura Wolfe to speak with their City Attorney to draft a three year development agreement for the Council to approve at their next meeting. The Council then approved setting a public hearing on September 9th based on the Planning & Zoning Commission’s recommendation to add to C-3 permitted principal uses and structures relating to Precision Components’ location.
The Council then approved a resolution calling an election on the proposition of entering into a loan agreement and borrowing an amount not to exceed $800,000 for a municipal public restroom and bathhouse project. They also adopted legislative changes to ordinances on conflict of interest and budget preparation upon the second reading, waiving the third. Finally, Mayor Dennis Kunkle submitted his letter of resignation effective at the end of the month. He said this was his time to step down after about 37 years serving in public office, first on the City Council. The Council thanked Kunkle for his many years of service to the community. The City will now publish a notice to fill his vacancy at the next meeting.