
Guthrie County Sheriff’s Office
Weekly Report

Public Service Announcements




5:34 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a car vs. deer accident on Wagon Road

7:12 am Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call in Stuart

8:28 am Guthrie Co Deputy checked on a suspicious vehicle in Panora

11:55 am YJB First Responders responded to a fire in Yale

1:40 pm Guthrie Co Deputy & Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on 215th Rd

3:41 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported 1 female to Guthrie Co Jail

4:05 pm Panora Police responded to a compliance issue on NE 2nd St

5:03 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers on 240th St

5:47 pm Guthrie Co Deputy preformed a welfare check in Yale

6:15 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported 1 female to Audubon Co Jail

11:33 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to suspicious vehicle in Jamaica


5:21 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a car vs. tree accident on White Pole Road

5:43 am Casey Fire responded to semi accidents on I-80

9:31 am Guthrie Co Deputy took a theft report at Lake Diamondhead

10:48 am Guthrie Co Deputy preformed a case follow up in Guthrie Center

5:51 pm Stuart Police preformed a case follow up on NE 2nd St

7:50 pm Panora Ambulance transported a patient from Guthrie Co Jail to Lutheran

8:03 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served a civil paper in Bagley

9:41 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a car vs. deer accident on Hwy 25


7:37 am Panora Ambulance transported a patient from the Guthrie Co Hospital to Mercy Hospital

11:15 am Bayard and Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Bayard

11:41 am Stuart Police and Stuart Rescue responded to a two-vehicle accident on N Division Street

2:20 pm Guthrie Co Deputy escorted a prisoner to court

2:22 pm Stuart Police responded to a suspicious vehicle on N Main St

7:30 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a neighbor complaint in GC

7:56 pm Stuart PD responded to an accident in the parking lot of WCV high school

8:40 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers on 240th St

9:01 pm Guthrie Co Deputy performed a case follow up in Stuart

9:10 pm Panora Police responded to a suspicious person on E Church St

9:26 pm Panora Police responded to a suspicious person on Hwy 44

10:40 pm Panora Police responded to a noise complaint on N 1st St


12:40 am Guthrie Co Deputies assisted Audubon Co with a search warrant

8:36 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call at the New Homestead

8:39 am Chief Deputy responded to a car vs. deer accident on Hwy 25 south of Guthrie Center. No injuries

9:41 am Stuart Fire/Rescue responded to a broken gas line on S Fremont Street

10:58 am Guthrie Co Sheriff & Chief Deputy assisted with funeral traffic on Hwy 44

12:22 pm Panora Ambulance transported a patient from Guthrie Co Hospital to Methodist

1:00 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported 2 inmates to Boone Co Jail to make room in our jail

4:00 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported an inmate to Crawford Co on their warrant

4:45 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported an inmate from Jasper Co Jail on our warrant

5:05 pm Guthrie Co Deputies investigated a complaint of damage to street signs in rural GC, conducted traffic stop on suspect vehicle and arrested 4 suspects, assisted by Panora PD

6:01 pm Guthrie Co Deputies transported 4 males to Guthrie Co Jail

5:36 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a family situation in Yale

5:49 pm Stuart Ambulance transported a patient from Adair Co Memorial t o

7:35 pm Guthrie Co Deputy escorted an individual to a residence to pick up personal property in GC

7:45 pm Guthrie Co Deputy unlocked a vehicle @ GC Elementary

8:20 pm Stuart PD removed tire debris from I80 WB @ 92 MM

11:00 pm Guthrie Co Deputy investigated a trespass complaint


12:06 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of theft in Bayard

9:05 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a theft call on Wagon Road

10:38 am Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call on S Division Street

12:57 pm Guthrie Co Deputies responded to a lift assistance call on North Street in Guthrie Center
5:29 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on State Street in Guthrie Center

8:49 pm Guthrie Co Deputies responded to a verbal domestic call on S 12th Street Place

9:04 pm Guthrie Co Deputies responded to a disturbance in Casey

9:42 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a vandalism call in Bagley

9:52 pm Welfare check by Guthrie Co Deputy in Menlo


1:06 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on W Church Street

5:14 am Panora Ambulance transported a patient from the Guthrie Co Hospital to Mercy Hospital

10:46 am Guthrie Co Deputy investigated a report of vandalism in Casey

11:39 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a disturbance call on S 7th Street in Guthrie Center

12:33 pm Case follow up by Guthrie Co Deputy

12:44 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a theft call in Jamaica

2:26 pm Guthrie Co Deputy investigated a theft on Oleander Trail

5:13 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Yale

6:22 pm Traffic stop by Guthrie Co Deputy on Hwy 44 resulted in an arrest

9:48 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported a female prisoner to the Audubon Co Jail

11:00 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a noise complaint on Park Avenue

11:06 pm Stuart Police and Ambulance responded to a call at the Phillip’s 66

11:36 pm Stuart Police assisted Adair Co on Orange Avenue


7:32 am Guthrie Co Deputy transported a prisoner from the Audubon Co Jail to the Guthrie Co Jail
10:50 am Stuart Rescue responded to a medical call at Community Care Center

11:58 am Panora Fire/Ambulance responded to a fire alarm call on Arnold Lane

4:58 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on 180th Trail

5:57 pm Agency assist by Guthrie Co Deputy

10:03 pm Traffic stop by Guthrie Co Deputy on Hwy 141 resulted in an arrest