The Jefferson Parks and Recreation Board met Wednesday in regular session.
The Board approved a request from Uvette Winger of the local girl scouts troop to utilize a meeting room in the Greene County Community Center twice per month for their meetings from 6-7:30pm. However, in exchange for using the room at no charge, the Board is requesting the group provide in-kind services to the community through the parks and rec department.
The Board also approved two bids to replace roofs on the softball concession stand and the bath house at the swimming pool. The Board approved Chad Ferguson’s bid of $2,300 to install a steel roof on the concession stand and Tri-County Cash Lumber Mart’s bid of $9,118 to install an asphalt shingle roof on the bath house.
The Board discussed a shower replacement project at the swimming pool. JPRD Director Vicky Lautner said a walk-through of the project will be done next week with the contractor. The Board took no action following the discussion. The Board also tabled a decision on upgrading the computer system at the community center. Meetings will be scheduled with two different companies to get bids before the Board can take action.