
The Perry City Council will convene Monday evening in regular session.

The meeting will begin with three public hearings, each related to the Progressive Foundry expansion project. The hearings will include two rezone requests, and the vacation of portions of 2nd, Bateman, and Rawson streets. Following the hearings, the Council will consider the first readings of ordinances for the zoning change from Heavy Industrial to Residential Duplex, and the road vacation. They will not take immediate action on the other rezone request, which is from Heavy Industrial to Central Heavy Industrial. There needs to be a public hearing to establish the new zoning classification, so the Council will consider a resolution to set the time and date for that hearing.

Other items on the agenda include: a professional services agreement with Bolton and Menk for the airport fuel facility expansion; a resolution authorizing the submission of a state financial assistance application through Revitalization Iowa’s Sound Economy (RISE) fund; a proposal to create a mural in Josh Davis Plaza; and setting the date for Trick or Treat Night. The meeting will conclude with a closed session to discuss a real estate transaction. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Monday in the Clarion Room at Perry City Hall.