The Perry Chamber of Commerce welcomed the community to their third special farmers market of the summer Thursday afternoon, this time with a “Back-to-School” theme.
The event featured a wide variety of representatives from the Perry school system, including booths for the Booster Club, Pulse Dance Team, the junior class prom committee, student council, and vocal music department. There were also tables set up for St. Patrick’s Catholic School, Des Moines Area Community College, the Perry Public Library, and the Perry Art Camp, each with information about upcoming programs. Also in attendance was the Perry Bluejay mascot. The information vendors were at the market alongside the typical craft, baked goods, and produce vendors, and combined they filled Josh Davis Plaza and 2nd Street with people eager to learn and shop.
Chamber Director Lynsi Pasutti was pleased with how Back-to-School Night went, as well as the previous two events which included Public Safety and Feed the Market nights. She felt the special markets have proven successful for everyone involved, and reminds people that there’s still one more before the close of the season. On September 19th, the Chamber will host “Health and Wellness Night,” featuring representatives from the various medical organizations in the area. The Perry farmers market is held from 4-7 p.m. every Thursday through the last week of September.