
A Jefferson woman recently completed a summer internship unlike any other.

Reagan Lamoureux spent ten weeks in San Francisco, California working at the Biohub. It is a medical research facility that is dedicated to curing diseases and finding out why viruses spread. Lamoureux tells Raccoon Valley Radio she learned about the internship through Linc Kroeger with Pillar, a part of Accenture Industry X.0, because he knew that she had an interest in computer programming. Pillar also has a partnership with the BioHub. She explains what she did with Biohub.

“So I worked with their data science team, and more specifically I work with image processing. So I was looking at microscope images and trying to segment out certain objects in an image, or just working with images and trying to edit them and make them more clear.”

Lamoureux says her favorite part of the internship was getting more experience in computer programming, due to her limited prior experience in that field. She offers some advice for those thinking about doing an internship far away from Iowa.

“I would just tell people not to let the fear of going so far get in the way of doing something. Because it was a little scary going out there all alone, I didn’t know anybody. But you can’t let that stop you and you just got to try new things and experience new things.”

Lamoureux will be entering her sophomore year at the University of Iowa, majoring in computer programming.