The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday.
The Board first heard an update from Jefferson City Administrator Mike Palmer on the downtown buildings the City owns. He expected all of the renovations to the properties at 200 East State Street, 205 North Wilson Avenue and the former Pizza Ranch to be completed within the next couple of months. Palmer mentioned trying to bid for three walkway paths including the east entryway on Lincoln Way, Greenewood Road and Central Avenue for the new high school/career academy. Finally, he said this Saturday will be the City’s Hazardous Waste Drop-off event on the north side of the Greene County Courthouse from 9-11am.
County Engineer Wade Weiss gave a brief update. He said about 80-percent of the gravel roads have been repaired and crews will be working on concrete patching on parts of County Roads P-14 and P-46.
The Board then approved several tax abatements. Greene County Real Estate and Tax Coordinator Pam Olerich said there were 45 tax exempt properties that were incorrectly categorized by the County Assessor’s office. She added that no payments have come in and they will send out a secondary letter to those taxing entities that their designated properties are still tax exempt.
The Board also approved to change the agent of record from Kingston Life and Health to Group Benefit Partners with Ryan Berven. Berven told the Board that he left Kingston shortly after his previous visit with them last month. He said he didn’t have a non-compete with Kingston and that he was an at-will employee. Berven assured the Board that he will continue to have an unbiased view when finding the most financially responsible agents in the marketplace for insurance purposes, for the best use of county funds.
Finally, the Board approved a temporary transfer of $200,000 from the general basic to general supplemental funds. County Auditor Jane Heun said she needed to borrow some funds from general basic to cover added insurance expenses and will reimburse those funds when they receive their allocated amount from property tax payments.