
The Perry City Council convened Monday evening in regular session.

During open forum, resident John Palmer commented on the drinking fountains at Pattee Park and by the Carnegie Library Museum haven’t been working for a long time, and inquired if the City could fix that. In old business, the Council approved increasing the septic discharge fee at the Perry Water Pollution Control Facility from $75 per 2,000 gallons of waste discharged to $100, effective September 1st. City staff also mentioned that the price will be further increased to $125 as of March 1, 2020. Next, the Council approved a professional service agreement for phase one of the McCreary Community Building renovation project with ETHOS Design Group, in the amount of $121,000. The resolution was approved with a 4-1 vote, with Councilmember Dean Berklund dissenting, feeling the City is spending a lot of money for the advice of an architect and engineer.

They also approved pay requests of $186,892.89 from Jensen Builders for the airport hangar project, and $10,745.86 from Des Moines Asphalt for the 16th Street asphalt overlay and Wiese Park trail crack sealing projects. The latter payment included release of retainage. In new business, the Council set three public hearings for August 19th related to the Progressive Foundry expansion project, including a rezone from Heavy Industrial to Central Heavy Industrial, a second rezone from Heavy Industrial to Residential Duplex, and the vacation of portions of 2nd, Rawson, and Bateman streets.

Other items approved included: accepting a grant agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration for land acquisition for the airport runway extension; the temporary reappointment of Alice Miskimins to the Planning and Zoning Commission; a consultant scope of service contract with Bolton and Menk for the 2020 asphalt overlay project; and setting public hearings for September 1st to discuss an amendment to the Urban Renewal Plan and a development agreement with Perry Economic Development for the spec building at the Industrial Complex.

To learn more about the Perry City Council meeting, listen to today’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at