Monday, August 5th
2:19am: An officer located 4 juveniles walking in the 700 Block of South Wilson Ave. Two male juveniles ran and the officer learned their names from the two remaining females. The officer took the female home and woke up her parents to advise them of the issues. The officer also made contact with the parents of the two boys that ran from the officer. Charges are pending for, “Curfew Violation” for all and “Interference with Official Acts” for the two that ran from the officer.
3:00am: Lauren Schulte requested an officer at 108 East Central Ave. #58 for someone attempting to break into a window of the residence. The officer arrived and did not locate anyone in the area. Upon investigation, the officer learned a pane of glass had fallen from a window and struck a window shade. The window was in disrepair and nothing criminal had occurred.
6:17am: Kristin Russell advised that she was walking her dog in the 400 Block of North Pinet Street. She advised that two Yellow Labs charged at her and her animal. The officer was unable to locate the reported animals.
11:15am: An officer performed a Funeral Escort.
10:20am: The Public Works Director reported a large amount of lumber had been dumped at the City Yard Waste Site. The officer noticed some of the lumber had been burned and remembered a report of a pile of lumber on fire at 401 North Chestnut Street a few weeks ago. The officer checked the residence and noticed the pile of lumber was no longer at the residence and spoke to the owner of the residence. She advised a male friend had gotten rid of the lumber pile for her. Michael Eastman of Jefferson was cited by the officer for, “Depositing or Throwing Litter.” He may also face Restitution costs to the city as they cleaned up the lumber from the brush pile and disposed of it.
12:14pm: HyVee reported the Theft of Alcohol from 106 West Washington Street. A male and female had left the business after placing two bottles of alcohol in a purse and not paying for the items. The loss was $28.00. The store is providing the officer with video surveillance of the event for the investigation.
1:01pm: Teresa Easterday requested an officer to advise a subject to end contact with her through all means. The officer spoke to the subject and advised them of Easterday’s request.
1:32pm: A Subway employee reported to an officer that a male customer had made a physical threat towards them at 100 North Elm Street. The customer had left before the employee called and they could not offer a vehicle description for the male.
3:15pm: Pat Smith reported a deceased fox in her yard at 608 East Adams Street. As the officer was disposing of the animal, he noticed a gunshot wound. The officer is investigating the event.
5:46pm: Emily Chiafos requested an officer at 104 East Clark Street to remove an unwanted male from the property. The officer learned that Chiafos had allowed the male to stay at the residence for several weeks. Chiafos was advised that she would have to do an Eviction Process on the male.
********* An Arrest Warrant has been requested for James Leon Cunningham, 44 of Jefferson for, “Theft 5th Degree.” The charge stems from a reported stolen cell phone from 401 East McKinley Street on 08/01/2019.
Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.