The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
During open forum, Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams reported that there were 15 criminal charges from the west side of the county this past weekend. The charges ranged from minor in possession of alcohol, possession of a controlled substance and one arrest was made from an OWI. Williams said they asked Nathaniel Brown to be on site of River Farms Recreation and to do a walk around during the Saturday event. They were also given permission from Owner Craig Flack to follow a specific route with him. There were no accidents reported from the event.
Also during open forum, County Engineer Wade Weiss gave an update. He said about 70-percent of the county gravel roads have been repaired. He added that Secondary Roads Department employee Ryan Baugh has resigned as the maintenance shop supervisor and will be a maintainer operator. Weiss said the maintenance supervisor responsibilities will be handled by himself and Assistant to the Engineer Tanner Stauffer. The Board then approved hiring Roger Hoyt as a full-time employee for secondary roads.
The Board then held a discussion on tax increment financing (TIF) with Jeff Heil of Northland Securities. Following the discussion, Heil recommended either getting an internal loan or an external bond to certify $120,000 of debt by December 1st, so that the first TIF reimbursement can happen by the beginning of next year. Without knowing the property tax levy for the upcoming year, Heil estimated the county to receive $111,000 of TIF to be reimbursed, so the County must certify at least that amount to cover those funds. The Board took no action following the discussion.
The Board also discussed the annual jail inspection report with the Department of Corrections Jail Inspector Delbert Longley. He brought up some concerns with the current facility. One of the concerns was taking inmates to the exercise room in the basement and having to go through unsecure areas of the jail. Another concern was taking inmates through unsecure areas to the visitation rooms. Following the discussion, Delbert gave some solutions. The Board took no action following the discussion.
Finally the Board held a discussion on the year end report with Greene County Public Health Director Becky Wolf. She said there was a decline in the number of people using home care services this past fiscal year compared to the previous fiscal year. Immunizations saw an increase, particularly in April through June due to the medical center taking over operations of the family medicine clinic and adding a new pediatrician. Wolf also mentioned that staying in the medical center is better for public health because of potential Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) violations if they were solely county-based. The net profits for public health for the 2019 fiscal year was $72,000.