The Iowa State Fair is just a few days away, and enthusiasts can learn about the event’s over 150-year history at a program in Stuart Tuesday.
Stuart People Active for Library Service, or PALS, are hosting Humanities Iowa speaker and author Mary Kay Shanley, who is giving a presentation based on her book “Our State Fair – Iowa’s Blue Ribbon Story,” which was commissioned by the Iowa State Fair Blue Ribbon Foundation. The book includes about 500 photos from the fair’s history, which Shanley says she will share with attendees, “It’s a beautiful visual program because of the Iowa State Fair Blue Ribbon Foundation did all of the visuals so that it’s not just a talking presentation, well I talk, but the visuals speak for themselves.”
The program takes place at 2 p.m. in the Stuart City Hall Council Chambers. It is free and open to the public, and participants are encouraged to share their state fair stories and memorabilia.