
With temperatures reaching the mid to upper 80s today, it’s a good time to review sun protection tips.

Greene County Public Health Director Becky Wolf says sunscreen is one of the best ways to protect yourself from UVA and UVB rays. She suggests sunscreen that is at least a 30 sun protection factor (SPF). Wolf talks about how and when to apply sunscreen for best results.

“So you should try to apply sunscreen roughly 30 minutes before your sun exposure to cool (and) dry skin, it shouldn’t be sweaty. And then you should do a reapplication about every two hours, like after swimming, after sweating, or toweling off. And that should be repeated, as long as you are out in the sun.”   

Wolf notes anyone six months and older should use sunscreen. Those six months and younger should be kept out of direct sunlight. She adds that there is free sunscreen throughout the county. Locations include county libraries, pharmacies, golf courses, swimming pools and Spring Lake Park.