
Neck pain is something that affects people of all ages, shapes, and sizes, and Dallas County Hospital is offering a workshop to teach people how to deal with it.

The program will be led by Dr. Rachel Swisher, a physical therapist with 21st Century Rehab at DCH. She says attendees can learn about typical symptoms caused by neck problems — like tension headaches, shoulder pain, and tingling or numbness in your arms and hands — which she says are issues people may not immediately attribute to their necks. Swisher emphasizes that the workshop is informational only, and there won’t be any treatment given during the session. She says that’s because people won’t want cookie-cutter care for something like this. “You’re going to want something that’s specific and individualized to what you do all day at work, what you do at home, what you like to do for fun; you know that’s important as well. So there’s a lot of things that we can help with to decrease your pain, even if you’ve had chronic pain for years. There’s always things that you can do: activity changes, stretching, strengthening, all kinds of good stuff!”

The workshop will be held on Monday, August 19th at 5 p.m. in the hospital’s second floor community room. It’s free to attend but registration is required. You can sign up by calling or stopping into the 21st Century Rehab Clinic, or using the Dallas County Hospital website, DallasCoHospital.org. To learn more about the program, listen to this Wednesday’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at RaccoonValleyRadio.com.