Attention all nonprofit organizations and units of government in northern Dallas County: the window to apply for grants through the Bock Family Foundation is now open.
The Foundation awards grants twice a year, in the spring and fall. Funds are awarded to groups operated for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, and educational purposes. Proposed projects must be located in Dallas County, with a preference given to the four northwest townships, and the Foundation places an emphasis on groups that benefit and promote the communities. All applicants must be either a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or a 509(a)(1) unit of state or local government.
The deadline to submit applications for the Bock Foundation’s fall grants is September 1st, with funds awarded in October. Requests can be mailed or delivered to the Finneseth, Dalen, and Powell Law Firm at 1401 Willis Avenue, PO Box 487, Perry, IA 50220. Anyone with questions about the grant guidelines or application form can direct them to Scott Finneseth, Executive Director of the Foundation, at 515-465-4641 or lawyers@fdplawfirm.com.