Photo courtesy of Jefferson Library
The Jefferson Library Teens Summer Reading Program recently came to an end.
Fifteen teens went through in the program, for which they received participation and achievement prizes at the final event on August 1st. This year’s theme was “A Universe of Stories,” which celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.
Throughout the program, teens learned about planets, the moon landing and constellations. Additionally they learned about astronomy with Drew Sorensen, decorated homemade astronomy-shaped sugar cookies baked by Nancy Gerken, built and launched pop bottle and stomp rockets, created origami rockets with Bessie Sayre, made astronaut pudding, moon walked, listened to songs with astronomy lyrics and learned about Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” painting.
The final party took place after the library closed this past Thursday with a glow-in-the-dark theme. All total, the teens read 97 books during the program. Elijah Glendenning was the grand prize winner of $50 in Greene County Chamber and Tourism Bucks. Hannah Acton was honored for reading the most books.
Library Director Jane Millard led the program and she appreciates all of the sponsors and those who volunteered and participated in the Teens Summer Reading Program. The sponsors included: Friends of the Jefferson Public Library, the Greene County Board of Supervisors, Dairy Queen, and Hy-Vee.