A farmland leasing meeting will be hosted by Guthrie County Extension and Outreach later this month.
The meeting will last about 2.5 hours and will be facilitated by ISU Extension Farm Management Specialist Tim Christensen. The discussion will focus on various methods to determine a fair 2020 cash rental rate and the importance of good tenant and landlord communications. Christensen will also go over recent returns to Iowa cash rented land and the 2019 Iowa Cash Rental Rate Survey.
The meeting will take place at 6 p.m. with doors open at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday August 13th at the Extension office in Guthrie Center. Registration is $20 for individuals and $30 per couple and pre-registration is due by Monday, August 12th. For more information or to pre-register call the Extension office at 641-747-2276.